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Development of data management strategy

Why is data management important? This is a guarantee that these organizations can be an asset rather than a liability. How this happens varies from organization to organization and industry to industry.

The benefits that organizations can get from applying strict data management methods:

Confidence in acceptance

data-based decisions


Establishing clear data management protocols allows an organization to be more confident in the accuracy of its data. This confidence makes it more likely that the organization will support its decision-making process with data rather than subjective reasoning. By some estimates, data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report improvements in decision-making than other, less data-driven organizations. This can play a key role in increasing profits and overall business success.

Increasing value for consumers


Being able to highlight the various components of your data management practices can help you build consumer confidence in your products and services. This is especially true in sensitive industries like healthcare and finance, where consumers have a vested interest in you being able to ensure the privacy and security of their data. Thus, data management becomes an additional advantage for consumers.

Great internal responsibility


Clear rules and data management practices make it easier for organizations to hold employees accountable for their actions. For example, if an employee accesses data they shouldn't be working with or violates the organization's data hygiene rules, there are clear ways to identify problems and fix them.

Increasing efficiency

within the organization


A common problem faced by organizations without data management practices is data duplication, when there are multiple versions of the same data set or file. When employees aren't sure they're using the latest data, confusion, inaccuracies, and inefficiencies can result. Right and wrong: When employees are confident in their data sources, it can lead to more effective use of that data. By taking the time to establish rules and process data, you can eliminate and reduce sources of inefficiency and confusion.

Simple management of regulatory requirements


In virtually any industry that collects and stores consumer data, there are laws and regulations governing how it should be protected. Healthcare, financial services and e-commerce are just a few examples. Establishing data management protocols within your organization can make compliance with such laws and regulations easier.

Increased transparency


Once data governance practices are in place, it becomes much easier to be transparent to internal and external stakeholders. For example, access logs allow an organization to know exactly who has accessed certain files. This information may be used to respond to questions raised by consumers or regulatory authorities.

Cost reduction for other areas of data management


All of the benefits listed above lead to indirect benefits: reduced costs in other areas of data management. When you establish data management protocols in your organization, you take several actions that indirectly prevent costs in the future. For example, tight data protection reduces the likelihood of a data leak, which reduces the chance of future fixes. In addition, compliance with rules and regulations reduces the risk of fines.

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