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Tips for the recruiter: how to find CIO

Most recruiters face the challenge of finding and attracting a top-notch and successful CIO. We would like to share our experience, especially in the part of the question that contains the word "successful". 1. What Does a Successful CIO Pay Attention to While Selecting a New Workplace? Socrates once said «Speak, so that I may see you». Therefore, dear recruiters, you need to make a CIO whom you googled or got recommended more talkative, more open and accessible for a move to a new and more promising company. You may wish to use question analysis for this and consider the questions which would or would not be asked by this CIO:

  • The first question of a successful CIO to ask would be about business perspectives of the company.

  • The second question would be on the company’s objectives and budgets. A truly successful CIO will be interested in the perspectives of the company, after all, it is impossible to be successful in an unsuccessful company.

  • The third question would be on the real CIO role and place within the organization. A successful CIO knows that some companies delegate real power to IT lead, whereas other companies just hire senior system administrators and call them “Chief Something IT-related Officer”.

  • The fourth question would be on career opportunities. All CIOs would like to become a CEO (or their deputy). Quite a few companies monitor/watch CIO that may potentially become a CEO, especially in technology and service-driven businesses. Successful CIOs are well aware of it and try to get an answer to the question «What next?» while speaking to a recruiter. If all of these questions were asked, it means the candidate understands what is required for success and the probability of “getting there” is much higher.

2. What traits of a candidate are to be considered by a recruiter? The main search parameters are surely based on the client’s tasks and expectations. However, apart of the «make the ERP go live, cut the costs, improve users’ satisfaction» must right, a two-three years in the future, should be considered as well, where the main will be:

  • Manage quick change (startup culture)

  • Define, align, and delegate tasks

  • Demonstrate self-improvement and team improvement habits

If a CIO can do these things, the recruiter will reduce the risks of repeated search as the CIO will adapt to an ever-changing VUCA environment. As Herbert Spenser and Charles Darwin said: “it is not the fittest but the one that is most adaptable, not the fittest who survives' . 3. Risks of the search Recruiters can make their fair share of errors. Let’s consider what should be done in order to avoid them. Google can help both: recruiters and CIO. Sometimes one meets CIOs who gathered some information here and there and try managing IT without real understanding of the subject. An experienced recruiter will notice it immediately. An inexperienced one should pay attention to the following:

  • Trend discussions without aligning them with any business value

  • A wish to implement something for the sake of implementation

  • Immediate relation of any communication on job opportunity to cash remuneration

  • Inability to speak and listen properly

These tips will help to become a real good technical recruiter who can find a successful CIO for a client. And what do you think recruiters should follow? Share your experiences and tips in the comments. Good hunting all! IT. Experience. Result.

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