The war has been a significant challenge for many Ukrainian businesses, and many of them went bankrupt or had to lay off their employees. However, some have found a job or even started their own business during these difficult times. But let's talk about the case where many of our Ukrainian IT top specialists lost their jobs.
We have prepared some tips that we hope will help you.
Look at this situation from a different angle. Now you have enough available time to update your skills. Perhaps you didn't have time for this before, but now you can take courses and learn about new technologies that increase your chances of a new job.
Actively share the information that you are looking for a job. You don't necessarily have to do this only on job websites. Contact former colleagues you worked with, and share the information on your social media and professional groups.
Consider working in other cities. It's also a good opportunity to make new acquaintances and have a broader perspective on IT work in Ukraine.
Consider a broader range of job opportunities. If you were a business analyst, but you are offered another position with a lower salary, maybe you should also consider this offer?
Pay attention to individual remote work projects. Such projects are beneficial for portfolio building and gaining additional experience and income.
And most importantly, remember that even if you have found a job and things are going well, update your CV and be prepared for the next step in your career.