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Our spring cases

After several recent cases, we noticed that today in a crisis there are several categories of customers:

  • for whom the crisis has become a catalyst for growth

  • who tries to cut expenses fast and hard

There is a third category of customers: who need to decline a little slower than their competitors, and then they get high chances of success in the future.Recently, we’ve completed number of successful projects. For example, conducted an express IT audit and implemented a “Contactless Office” for a medium-sized company. After return from quarantine, our customer will be able to reduce 30-50% office space in the center of Kyiv, keeping the combination of offline and online processes. For another customer, we developed IT strategy based on the principles of simplification, standardization and measurability, which will help reduce IT costs and increase online sales. For some customers, we provide CIO-as-a-service, which allows companies to start implementing an IT strategy even in the absence of a permanent CIO. The main mission there is to bring IT to an optimal structure depending on external and internal crisis conditions. For all these projects, we have already received positive feedback from companies. We are grateful for motivating reviews:

  • “I would like to thank you and your team for supporting our guys from IT department, which is very valuable to us.”

  • “Thank you for the quick organization of a contactless office in a very short time.”

  • “Thank you all for an impartial analysis of the situation and a presentation that did not dramatize the situation at the moment, on the one hand, it also opened for us opportunities for growth, for the company and for employees on the other hand”.

Please contact CIOneer team for help. IT. Experience. Result.

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